Film Scripts

It’s difficult not to dream big when you start writing for the stars. In fact, my first scripts for a big screen were for the planetarium shows Journey to a Black Hole (2007) and Chemistry of the Universe (2011) for the Multimedia Center of Espinho.

In 2015 I challenged myself to write a script for an animated feature film, Rafa & Emily (previously Rafa and The Bug Revolution), which in 2016 was finalist in the script festivals: Oaxaca FilmFest; Festival Guiões; Cannes Screenplay Contest and Semi-Finalist in Slamdance Screenplay Competition.

And my last Script for a family adventure film, The Roots of the Magic Tree (previously named Blessed Katumama! Cursed Katumama!) was one of the 2019 ScreenCraft Animation Competition Quarterfinalists.

Meanwhile, the project I prepared for Rafa & Emily got a cinema fund for development and I gathered a team to do it. It was a hard lesson because I had a difficult time defending the story, characters, sets, and even messages!

I learned that there’s a hierarchy and it doesn’t matter if the project came entirely from the hands and head of the scriptwriter he won’t be allowed to work with the director and the producer because he’s “just the scriptwriter”. Years of work would be lost, so I took the hard decision of not going further with that project.

Because I didn’t shut up during the making of the teaser, not everything was lost. And I was also lucky to have a talented team aboard.

Learn more and watch the teaser below!